Many people end up as entrepreneurs. At Ws Numbers List first glance, there might not be anything wrong with this approach of starting up a business, Ws Numbers List but taking a closer look will reveal a vital truth; people who lose their jobs are often Ws Numbers List driven by fear and to start a business because you are afraid is absolutely disastrous. The Ws Numbers List implication is often enormous.
Top on the list is that you will never Ws Numbers List exercise the due diligence starting a new business entails. Why? Because the fear of living Ws Numbers List without a regular income since you no longer have a job will keep haunting you and Ws Numbers List eventually start making you place.
Unrealistic financial expectations on Ws Numbers List your new business venture. Second on the list is that you are emotionally unstable the Ws Numbers List first few months of losing a job, especially when you didn't see it coming. The disappointment Ws Numbers List can be disheartening, the more reason why you shouldn't go into business with such mind frame. Why? Because in the world of business.